Hot Air in Hilbert

3 04 2007

Hilbert Middle School 7th graders have come up with an idea to save the school district money. Because of high gas prices and the need to reduce global warming, a different type of transportation system using less gasoline needs to be addressed. Several people liked the students’ idea and have approved it for a test run. What new type of transportation system have they come up with? Hot-air balloons! This idea will allow Hilbert Schools to use methane gas to heat the hot air balloons, which as a result will save the district money spent on high gasoline prices while still transporting kids to and from school.

hot air balloonThe methane to heat the balloons could be supplied by our local landfill on the border of Hilbert. Another source could come from the methane given off by cow manure. With its manure digester, the mega-farm located within the district’s borders might be an excellent source.

The class of 2012 has no illusions about how difficult and impractical this idea may seem to some. Nevertheless, we believe it is worth the gamble and the risk. We look forward to working with the Hilbert community in bringing this exciting, new idea about.

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